Supporting students with physical disabilities who are pursuing higher education.
Applicant must:
- Have a physical disability as defined in the Scholarship Specifications;
- Have a permanent address in Boone, Ogle, Stephenson, or Winnebago Counties; and
- Provide verification that they receive services for their physical disability, such as a reference from their primary care physician or school case manager.
This scholarship is renewable for up to three years as long as criteria are met.
For the purposes of this scholarship, the applicant must be eligible for special education services for a physical disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Act and verified by the public school system in one of the following eligibility areas: deaf-blindness, hearing impairment, orthopedic impairment, or visual impairment.
Learn more about the Ann Dooley Memorial Scholarship.
This scholarship is administered by the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL). CFNIL's scholarship application opens December 1 and closes February 1 every year. Learn more about CFNIL's scholarship program and application process at
Questions about this scholarship? Contact CFNIL at